I have been the health and physical education teacher at Saint Michael Catholic School for 5 years. My educational background consists of a Bachelor of Science Degree from LeMoyne College. After graduating I played 3 years of professional baseball in the Philadelphia Phillies system. After my baseball career I decided to enter the teaching profession. I received a Master of Science Degree in Elementary Education from Fordham University. I began my teaching career teaching 4th and 5th grade in Chinatown located in NYC. After a few years of teaching at the elementary level I returned to school to receive my Master of Arts Degree in Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy from Manhattanville College. I have taught physical education at the elementary, middle, and high school level. While teaching full time during the day I attended NYU to receive my Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Leadership and Supervision. I believe that it is crucial that every student, regardless of athletic or physical ability, receive the opportunity to participate and succeed in physical education. The discovery and development of a well-rounded, physically educated person is directly linked to an individuals improved self-esteem and risk-taking abilities.

Physical education provides a unique opportunity to contribute to the overall development of every individual. To focus on only one aspect of physical education, and therefore of the individual, denies the importance of too many other vital qualities that makes a person complete. A curriculum that is this limited in scope fails to recognize the potential of each individual and fails to provide the opportunities for participants to develop a sense of fulfillment. Physical education must incorporate health related and skill related fitness activities and have a comprehensive curriculum that provides developmentally appropriate activities that build on students’ previous experiences.
Physical education teachers must be committed to providing enough knowledge, skill, and opportunity in a supportive and inclusive environment to allow each student to discover the value of movement, cooperation, teamwork, healthy competition, wellness, and responsibility to themselves and others that can be applied over a lifetime. It is critical that every student, regardless of athletic or physical ability, receive the opportunity to participate and succeed in physical education. The discovery and development of a well-rounded, physically educated person is directly linked to an individual’s improved self-esteem and risk-taking abilities.
It is imperative that students can participate in a variety of team and individual sports. The focus on basic skill development and their use in modified age appropriate games provide students with the chance to learn about teamwork, fair play, and the pleasure that comes from participating. As students mature, more complex skills and strategies should be taught, with responsibility for officiating and enforcing appropriate behavior resting on the students. Competition should build towards an outcome such as tournament. Students should not however be graded on performance, but rather on knowledge of the rules, strategies, and active participation. Sports units should create a desire to continue participating in sports, as well as developing an understanding and appreciation of enjoying sports as a spectator.
To complete the curriculum students must show competency on a yearly fitness/wellness evaluation. The Fitness Gram is a physical fitness assessment tool used by Physical Best and the Cooper Institute to establish baseline fitness goals of every student. Understanding principles of muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and body composition should be specific and comprehensive. Basic understanding of proper nutrition, as well as personal decision-making skills, must be developed so students can apply the knowledge gained to make healthy decisions.
Physical education must not be simply supervised playtime. Defining a coherent physical education philosophy, developing a comprehensive program that will meet desired goals, and hiring teachers who “buy into” these ideals are vital to the success of a physical education program. It is only when this has been accomplished that students are provided with an ongoing learning process that enables them to discover their own potential and maximize their chances for self-fulfillment.
Course Description: Physical Education is an important piece of a child’s total education program. Wellness and fitness are recognized as essential concepts for all students. Our goal is for every student to achieve a level of competency in physical education through active participation in our planned program. Our curriculum includes a balance of skills, concepts, game activities, and health related fitness assessments that are designed to enhance the physical, mental, and emotional development of every child. Classes are designed so that all children are involved in activities that allow them to be active during class, but most importantly to be active outside of school in safe and healthy ways.
Grading: The physical education grade is computed as follows:
50%- Preparation and Participation
50%- Sportsmanship
Students are expected to be punctual and dress in The Saint Michaels Archangel Catholic School Uniform. Sneakers must be tied properly and tightly at all times. Solid color sweatpants and sweatshirts are optional on cold days and may be worn over the approved uniform. Points will be deducted for each class period that a student does not wear the gym uniform.
This grade is determined by the following:
· Attendance
· Eagerness to participate in class activities
· Demonstrated effort
· Desire to improve performance and skills
A student may miss one class period without penalty; however, after one period, any class miss due to absence or non-participation will result in point deductions. A student excused from class for medical reasons as indicted by a doctor’s note or a note from the parent is exempt from this requirement.
The following areas will be evaluated:
· Willingness to follow the directions of the teacher
· Demonstration of safety practices and procedures
· Follows the 6 Pillars of Character in PE
· Use and care of equipment
· Teamwork and cooperation with teacher and fellow students
· Display of leadership qualities
Your Guidelines for Success in Physical Education:
· Regular and punctual attendance
· Dress and participate daily
· Follow directions, be cooperative, exhibit good behavior
· Treat other people and class equipment with care and respect
· Do your BEST no matter what the task; smile, laugh, encourage self and others
The Sports Program at St Michael's requires the student, teacher, and parent working together to accomplish all athletic goals. The student is required to complete and return to the athletic coach the following documents:
- $50.00 participation fee plus an additional $25.00 uniform rental fee.
- Sportsmanship Declaration- student/parent agree to all the rules of good sportsmanship and fair play.
- Signed Guidelines/Responsibilities Page- student/parent agree to attend all practices and games.
- Completed Medical Evaluation- student must pass a physical to be deemed eligible to compete in all athletic events. Click below for ADOM Forms.